Snail Bob Series


Vocabulary studying can be a tedious task, but the development of a comprehensive working Vocabulary is vital. Without a well developed vocabulary, learners will battle to understand the significance of text messages. Instructors can help take some of the boredom out of Vocabulary training by preparing and applying review activities. Through the use of these activities, teachers can allow their learners to definitely engage with the Vocabulary terms and enjoy their chance to learn.


Have all learners stand and questions each undergraduate with a Vocabulary term or significance. If the undergraduate gets it right within five seconds, the undergraduate remains standing; if not, the undergraduate rests. Last one status victories the game.


Vocabulary Puzzles


Pass out mild shade development document, kings, and scissors to each undergraduate. Tell your learners that they will use their Vocabulary Study Cards to make a jigsaw challenge with the items related terms with their explanations. Based on the shape of the jigsaw challenge item, that item may have multiple terms and/or explanations.



Ø      Draw jigsaw challenge lines on one part of a mild shade development document so that you can fit the phrase areas and their explanations. Avoid small challenge items.


Ø      Print the phrase part in dark pen or pen at the advantage of one challenge item and its related significance at the fun online game for free advantage of another challenge item that variations it, just like the model shows. The finish is marking the challenge.


Ø      Cut out the challenge items and position the phrase areas and their related explanations face down on your desk. Put together the challenge.


Ø      Label other  term areas and their explanations on the empty part of the challenge. You now have created two individual Vocabulary Questions.


Ø      Have learners positioned their puzzles in zip-lock baggies to store. The bags can be hole-punched to position in three-ring binders.